Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Sergio Cobos

Advanced Statistical Analysis in Football

An in-depth exploration of FIFA 2022 player data to analyze the influence of league level and national team participation on players' salaries and market values. The project employs advanced statistical methods in R, including hypothesis testing and ANOVA, to uncover the dynamics in the football world.

Project Image

Project Overview

This project involves a comprehensive analysis of the FIFA 22 dataset from Kaggle. Focusing on the relationship between players' wages, market value, and factors like league level and international reputation, we apply statistical techniques like regression models and ANOVA to draw meaningful insights.

The analysis, conducted with R and its powerful libraries, aims to shed light on the economic aspects of football, offering a unique perspective on player valuation.

Key Concepts & Methods

Statistical Analysis
Hypothesis Testing
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Data Visualization
R Programming