Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Sergio Cobos

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2000 - September 2023)

An in-depth exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the year 2000 to September 2023, this study dissects the complex interplay of politics, demographics, and geography. Unraveling the layers of this enduring conflict, the narrative provides a detailed analysis of the events, impacts, and human stories that have shaped the region's recent history.

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Project Overview

This project conducts a thorough examination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from 2000 to September 2023. Utilizing Python for data processing and feature generation, including the creation of geographical coordinates and word clouds, the analysis dives deep into the complexities of the conflict.

Tableau is employed for visualization, presenting data in formats that are easily interpretable to a broad audience, regardless of their proficiency in data visualization. The aim is to create an accessible narrative that accurately reflects the multifaceted nature of this prolonged conflict, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of its impact.

The dataset used in this project is sourced from B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. This reputable source has provided the foundational data that drives our analytical narrative. View Source.

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